Happy February !

The hardest challenge this year already has definitely been LOVE.

Yup, I have the hardest time loving my brothers and sisters in the Lord. I can chat and surface talk with people but really love them like Jesus love is not there. That is my constant prayer is that God would give me His love for the body.

In just a week I will begin my 8th semester at bible college. I still have no idea how the Lord will use this in the future but i have been beyond blessed through it all. I am excited once again to embark on a journey of trusting in Him as I attempt to do well with what the Lord has given me. I love that saying " be faithful with the small things" I tend to lose sight of the end result but always i am reminded of His faithfulness in my weakness.

I am taking Chuck tapes :), Jonah and Theology-(w/ Katt) !!!

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