Comfort, Coffee & Conversations

It's a beautiful Tuesday night, As I start to walk towards the coffee shop on the corner I realize that it not only appears closed for the night but in fact. Closed down forever. Like they moved.
I was devastated. This isn't just any coffee shop. This place represents years of the needed venting nights. It provides great coffee and a venue of comfort for some heartfelt conversations. After standing at the door I felt saddened, hahaha. I could have cried. 

But then. I was reminded by my friend that it was a new year and time for some new beginnings. I'm blessed to have friends who encourage and point me back to Jesus! 

I am in some ways very comfortable with where I'm at. I tend to put my hand up to change. I seek comfort to my terms.

"Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your promise to your servant. "Psalm‬ ‭119‬:‭76‬

I need to stop thinking and start praying. I've mentioned this before but I feel sometimes like a Jacob just wrestling with God. Jesus always meets me, always provides me with the best comfort, always wants sweet communion with me. I admire Abraham for His faithfulness, Moses for his humility and Paul for his transformation. These guys were all called to go beyond. Called to lead and die to themselves. Ministry has definitely challenged me to lead, to follow and to die to myself. I'm addicted to serving His people. 

How often do we go to that door that is closed and give up. How often do we stop seeking Jesus because He didn't give us what we wanted. 
We can be so hot and cold to how we  treat God when we don't get our way.  It's a choice. We have a choice to live our lives always seeking and being filled to the fullest or turn our eyes to other things that will never satisfy. 
That's a big word Never. I can't imagine my life without knowing peace and love and hope.

To this new year. I expect great things. I expect God to mold me and shape me into His image. I expect to be shaken and rocked. I expect to be met and blessed. 
This year marks almost 10 years with High school ministry. 10 years out of high school. 10 years at my job. 

I want to travel more. Seek Jesus more. Live beyond. Give more. Receive more. Rest more. Laugh more. Cry more. Experience joy like never before and obey more. 

Hello 2015. What's instore?! 

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭37‬

To you joy & peace,

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