more soup please?

Today, I went to lunch with my brother and step-dad.I was so hungry by the time we got to the place i was in anticipation to eat this food that looked amazing and sounded amazing and smelled really good. We find a seat outside with the lovely sun touching the table and a slight breeze as we received our order of fish tacos. the sight alone got me wanting more before i even could taste it. And after those two tacos plus some chips were consumed i felt satisfied. I was full. I of course could eat more but i was content with what was given to me.
 Now, I love food. I love to try different foods. I love that when I have an empty stomach my hunt and determination to find something, anything to get rid of this will bring me happiness. I love that feeling of being full. Always of course leaving room for dessert...cause come on who doesn't have a dessert after every meal?! My Physical hunger needs to be met,and If I don't consume something I will starve and eventually die. It is vital to drink plenty of liquid and retain somewhat of a consistent food intake. Your body tells you when you are lacking iron, protein, are constantly in tune with what your body needs and wants and what it can handle. But, how many times do we hunger and thirst after Jesus? No really, how many times do we look at our bibles with big eyes as if we have seen the most delicious, exquisite, most tempting display of a meal. I can't say that i have often. This prized possession, this gift is easily ignored and covered up by other JESUS books and stuff.We fill our hunger with everything else that we don't even have room for the sweet stuff,the extra blessings(dessert) the Lord wants to shower us with. And yet, when I'm hungry for Jesus and I "need" to hear from Him, I open of that thick book and seek to find an answer. Why do we hunger for things that crumble? Why do we settle for second best? Why are we not consuming the LIVING word of GOD momentarily? Why?, because we are content. We are just ok with the food that will only last 4-6 hours or the possessions this world so temptingly offers us. We deny the amazing and settle for the dirt. I love that verse that says " Taste and see that the Lord is good". God is inviting us to be apart of Him, to know Him, to be consumed by Him. What are we waiting for?, for the Lord to speak. Well than read. Be filled. Be full to your hearts content. Be satisfied with His promises and His truths, with His leading and His grace. Be satisfied with His love that never ends and be emptied of yourself. Be still. Just be. Our God's love is simple and profound. It does not require knowledge but acceptance. WE are not going to fully know how much He loves us until we reach heaven but we have been give His love and all we need to do is accept it.

 "Oh Jesus fill me up to amaze and to be amazed that this love would be contagious it would not end here that my heart would thirst for your goodness that my heart would not let go Oh Jesus, my beloved show me in your time the ways that valleys and mountain tops have seen your hand divinely orchestrate a path I could not see to follow the footsteps that lead me to thee. " -me. 

This is something that the Lord has been pressing on my heart to hunger for the spiritual. So be encouraged that Jesus is with you every step of the way and that He isn't finished with you yet.


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