Along came a spider

Out of nowhere this thing, this black creepy object started becoming more clear in the mirror as I finished washing my face. I immediately started to strategize on how i would rid this beast of its life. As I am looking around my bathroom trying to find anything sufficient to kill it before it gets away...or worse attacks me; I get my blow dryer out. Yes, at 1 am i decide that the best method of killing the LARGE(slightly over dramatic)spider on my ceiling is to get out my blow dryer. So I plug that puppy in and point right at it. But nothing...he doesn't fall to the ground because of the intense heat, he cringes for a second and than starts to build its web and retrieve down it. I'm FREAKING out...the spider starts to swing back in forth because of the air from the dryer and all i can think is that it will somehow get on me and kill me. Well, that spider didn't get the best of! I got my axe perfume and started spraying at it...finally the beast falls to the ground and i capture it with a bottle, find a shoe and smack death. and flushed it down the toilet.
 Those brief five minutes were so intense. I had to think quick and not allow it to get out of my sight. When i first saw the spider,fear drifted right in. I allowed this tiny little creature to affect my behavior in a radically insane manner. I chose to give into my fear. Btw, I really hate spiders. "For God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power,love and a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7 Everyone fears something. Its true, I fear a lot of things for instance, people. Being put outside of my comfort zone, meeting people, singing in front of people, failing. Um...what else...I fear the enemy, i fear the unknown. These are just a few things. But these things if left alone to long can become part of my crutch. If I allow these fears to cease me, than I'm giving up trust in the one who says that He has GIVEN me a spirit of POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND. Are we to hold onto the things that bind us and lead us away from the truth? Truth: Fear has no power over me. Truth: Fear is an indicator of the lack of trust. If i fear the unknown and i believe that God has everything in control and His outcome is best, I am essentially casting out that His ways for me are not true and good. I start to doubt His ability to lead and guide me to the right path.

 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 

 This verse has been so prevalent in my walk with the Lord, I am constantly being reminded of the words. Sometimes I will read the bible but I don't allow it to be alive. This fear that I hold onto, that controls my behaviors in a radically insane manner, that keeps me from fully experiencing the best and most amazing promises that come directly from the Creator of this universe; if not given to the Lord, will consume me. Don't let that spider(fear) get the best of you. Don't let your fear of the unknown or people or the future scare you away from taking that next step. I am defiantly preaching to myself right now. Give your fear to the Lord and like He promised; He will give you a Spirit of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND>believe it. live it.

 - Mis

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