25 1/2

I'm 25. A sister to three crazy awesome brothers. A daughter to four parents. And a friend/ sister to the many amazing people I get to serve with at my church. I love being spontaneous. I love laughing and being silly even if it makes me look weird. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and sometimes don't express enough emotions. I have an emotional jar that seems to always overflow without ever being opened. I don't like crying. I work and serve to glorify my Savior.
I'm 25. But I'm not content. Some say to strive for more...pick a career and go for it. Some say to keep serving and great things will happen. I trust that The Lord has complete control and amazing plans for my life. But it's not so easy being content.
I'm 25 and single....as in...I've been single for 25 years. I want kids, a family, another adventure.
So there's a cliff that leads to some adventures and its safe to jump but I'm not sure where it will take me... Do I go for it? Or do I just sit and try to find another way?

Am I even prepared to make that jump...

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